Big Moose Rental Guide
ELS - TroubleShooting
A few things to try if you run into problems with the Electronic Locking System.
If this happens... | Try this... |
I didn't receive the password email for the DirectKey app. | Check your spam folder for the email. |
I can't get the Touch ID to work. | Make sure the touch feature is turned on in the app and on your phone. Sign out and close the app, then open the app and try again. The Stay Signed In feature should not be set to Always. |
My gate/unit/room doesn't show up in the DirectKey app. | Verify your email address is correct with the front desk. |
The app didn't update my information. | Make sure your phone has a cell or Wi-Fi connection. |
Bluetooth | Make sure your phones Bluetooth in enabled and the Directkey app has permission to use your phones bluetooth |
Manual Lock – User Guide
Move In Process
Welcome! A few things to get you started...
- Once you have rented your storage, Big Moose Self Storage will provide you with the 4-digit code to unlock your storage unit.
- During the duration on your stay, please leave that lock inside of the unit.
- It will be needed at the end of your stay.

During your Rental
A short list...
- During your stay, please provide your own lock
Move Out Process
We'll be sad to see you leave!
- During the move out process please give notice to Big Moose Self Storage that you plan to vacate your unit.
- On move out day, please send Big Moose Self Storage a photo of your empty storage unit and an exterior photo of the storage unit door closed with unit locked with lock provided at time of rental.
- Office Email
- Once those two items are submitted, Big Moose Self Storage will move you out, release your $50 deposit and open the gate for you to exit the facility